Where will you celebrate St. Patricks's Day in Pattaya? How about Dicey Reilly's Irish Pub.

St. Patrick’s Day takes place this month on the 17th. It originated as a religious festival honoring the patron saint of Ireland, who brought Christianity to the Irish people in the 5th century. Today it has evolved into a global celebration. Perhaps because Irish immigrants travelling the world have brought the tradition with them?
This is especially true of the US and every year the Chicago River is dyed green with a city parade to celebrate the occasion. Or perhaps it has grown in popularity worldwide to overshadow other saints’ days such as St. George’s or St. Andrew’s because it is just so much fun.
Of course this type of annual, inclusive get together is perfect for Pattaya where there was once a parade along beach road but now embraces the day in a number of “party places” throughout the city. Generally people celebrate by the wearing of green, silly large hats often featuring shamrocks, corny jokes, Irish music and typically consuming Irish food and especially drink.
Many will flock to Dicey Reilly’s on the 17th where of course the drinking of Guinness will be de rigeur but if you find it rather bitter I have a tip. Try not sipping but taking a gulp as you drink – I was taught this when visiting the tasting room of the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin and yes it really works!
I caught up with the new Food and Beverage Director Andrea to see what he has in mind for the day. Andrea arrived at the Avani in July last year.
Although originally from the beautiful northern area of Italy close to Lake Como he is no stranger to Thailand having worked in Phuket before joining the team at Avani Pattaya Resort.
He loves the atmosphere here and the feeling of belonging to an extended family with his work colleagues and many returning guests.
This March 17th will of course,be his first time experiencing a Pattaya St Patrick’s day and for Dicey’s he is planning some lovely treats for the revellers.
As well as the customary Guinness and Irish coffees there will be some green cocktails and beverages to add to the fun. Also some Irish Desserts.
What he will be most proud to show is the newest addition to Dicey’s namely the BBQ Smoker which is producing some mouth watering results.
Try them any time at Dicey Reilly’s from 12 noon until 11 pm – but especially on St Patrick’s Day with a pint of the “Black stuff”! Sitting inside at the bar, in the restaurant or outside on the terrace, the day is sure to be tons of fun.
Dicey Reilly’s Irish Pub and Restaurant is located at Avani Pattaya Resort
2nd Road Pattaya email [email protected] or Telephone +66 3841 2120 to book a table (advised)
corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.