Pattaya Patriots Gloria talks to Margie of Hand to Hand

Pattaya Patriots Gloria talks to Margie of Hand to Hand

I am using the term Patriot for a series of articles to feature in the magazine. Firstly because I love the alliteration, and secondly because I wanted a word to describe some very special people who live amongst us here in Pattaya. Often given a military connotation the word patriot is actually used for someone who deeply loves, supports and defends their country (or, for the purposes of this article, their city). They often demonstrate loyalty through service, sacrifice, or civic engagement.

True patriotism goes beyond mere pride—it involves striving to make improvements for all, for freedom, and for progress. So to start off this series I think a truly deserving patriot of Pattaya is Margaret Grainger of The Hand to Hand Foundation.

I caught up with Margie just before one of her long haul trips to Australia on the fundraising trail. She is also planning later in the year to go to the USA and Canada. Money raised from these trips will include sponsors footing the bill for her visits as well as money to fund all the improvements and developments needed at Hand to Hand. Then it’s back in November to prepare for one of her biggest fund raising events in Pattaya – the annual bike ride.I was curious to find out how the 800km sponsored bike ride started. Margie told me it was because she had wanted to join another cycling group already doing a great job raising money for charity but was turned down. Firstly because she hadn’t built herself up to being able to cycle the required amount of 80 kilometres per day, and also because “She is a woman”. Anyone who has met the powerhouse that is Margie will understand how this was a red rag to a bull!

Undefeated she started her own bike fundraiser and so it was 3 years ago that the first Hand to Hand Sponsored 800km bike riding event happened. It has gone on to be a great success. In 2024 raising 640,000 baht and in 2023 800,000 baht. The whole event takes place over 16 days from 6 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. when there’s a break for some food and rest. Then the riders start up again about 1 hour later to bring the daily total up to 50 kms and achieve the grand total of 800 kms.. Often people express an interest in joining in but don’t have a bike, – no problem there are plenty of second hand ones at Hand to Hand. Plus the beauty of driving around Pattaya each day means that there are no travel plans to make or overnight accommodation to be taken care of. Those of us who are less energetic but still want to contribute can sponsor a rider’s T-shirt. As seeing the riders decked out in their Hand to Hand T-Shirts is a great way to publicise the foundation and the great work that goes on to provide what is needed.

So what exactly is needed? Well, the preschool (off Thepprasit Road, Jomtien) has been the main impetus for all this activity. The roof of the school was in such a state of disrepair that during rain storms water would leak through onto the electric box.

Something had to be done as a matter of urgency and once the roof was off it revealed all manner of problems that needed to be addressed both to the structure of the building and the original materials used in its construction. These were found to be generally unsafe and not going to stand the test of time. Also new laws have to be adhered to, such as doors with glass panels needing to be fitted due to child protection law requirements.Therefore the pre-school new roof project developed into a major refurbishment and improvement project. As I walked through the shell of the school with Margie she outlined where the kitchen will be moved to, and a library set up to house the hundreds of books that have been donated and need to be displayed and stored so that they can be used properly. – It’s all quite a job!

In the meantime, everyone including the kids from the pre-school are in the Hand to Hand Housing at Nong Plai. So Margie took me there to have a look around what I found to be a wonderful space. Here they have more available land than on the Thepprasit site so they can grow food and plants, have a mushroom hut and keep chickens. Adults with no other means of income are given the tools, plants and equipment they need so that they can come here to grow fruit, vegetables and plants. For young, older children, even people in their 30s-40s Margie has seen that the cultivating, caring for and growing of plants is good for their mental health with the profits from the sales giving them even a few baht in their pockets which helps to engender a sense of purpose and beginnings of some pride.

Offsite, Hand to Hand also does amazing work, with prison visits and by taking food to people in the slum areas of Pattaya. Currently, 250 families are visited per week with food parcels. Rice is bought directly from a local farm, 5 tons per month, which helps not just the people it feeds but also the farmer who enjoys the regular business. Margie’s sponsors also help the foundation, for example, the Irish Embassy donated money to help with the growing of plants and vegetables. Also, One World Water donates all the drinking water, plus they have solar panels to give them 60% of their electricity requirements.

Through it all the indefatigable life force that is Margie galvanises her team, joins the children in their daily song, and meets with sponsors to show them what is being done with their money – my visit followed on from a site inspection by Bosch. However, I worry that realistically, as she herself says, she has about 10 years left that she can devote to Hand to Hand. Who will succeed her? After all for Margie, this has been a vocation, she didn’t realise some 30 years ago when she first came to Thailand to work as a teacher at International schools that she would sell everything she owned to start what is now an amazing charitable foundation (and has been officially recognised as such since 2010). Where will we find another Margie to take the reins in 2035? Perhaps someone is waiting in the wings?

It’s a huge ask to get involved with such worthwhile causes but the children are what keeps Margie going. There are abandoned children who can’t fit into the usual Thai orphanage system because they don’t have the necessary papers.

“We tend to get involved with cases nobody else wants, ” Margie

tells me. Like the baby they have called “Jomtien” because he was found under the chairs at Jomtien Beach. Hand to Hand will “take in” these cases to help and rehabilitate but also to do extensive searches in order to find family or extended family members and rehouse the children. Also to provide them with paperwork even though this can sometimes take years. It can be extremely rewarding when all the hard work eventually results in the children getting their birth certificates so that they have papers for when they are 18 and can progress into society.

Hand to Hand of course couldn’t do what it does without help. Sponsorship, from companies, schools or personal donations are always welcome and essential. So if you visit Nong Plai why not purchase some plants, vegetables,even eggs (they have a thriving chicken community!). Or drop in to see the wonderful happy smiles on the children’s faces (you can’t fake that). If you’re thinking about what to

bring? Toothbrushes and toothpaste are always welcome but generally anything and everything you can donate. If you are moving or relocating, let Hand to Hand know and they will come with a truck and take away any second hand clothing, goods, or furniture. You can be sure that anything you no longer need will be put to good use.

For more information message the FB page or go to the website or email [email protected]

I already have another 4 really good hearted people in mind for following articles but if you know anyone who you feel is a good candidate to be called a Pattaya Patriot please write to me at [email protected] and let me know. Thank you

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