The marvellous thing about “Discovering” what’s in and around Pattaya is that you can happen upon some fantastic places whilst investigating the unexpected. Places for example like Qulture Lounge and Cafe on Jomtien 2nd Road just in front of Riviera Jomtien. You may remember they featured on our front cover in April with Chef Brandon, Chicago and Patty showing us just how fun this vibrant place can be. If you missed this edition we keep Back issues online at for you to enjoy and read at any time..

We had so much fun doing that photo shoot and generally soaking up the great energy at Qulture that we decided to go back and try breakfast there. One year on from their opening this place has become a destination hub for people who enjoy great food, friendly service and sometimes hold meetings up on the second floor. It’s also a great place with comfy seating and good music to generally just hang out and sample their authentic cuisine straight from the US.

Whilst studying a very appealing menu but with the words of my Microbiome article still ringing in my ears I decided that my colleague and I should start with some cold-pressed juice. I went full on with the Veggie option because it contained: kale, lettuce, celery, cucumber, spinach, apple, passion fruit and pineapple and ticked quite a few boxes. Next, a great cup of coffee was essential and I love that you don’t even have to think about hydrating, as your glass with lemon and ice will be regularly refilled by the attentive staff.

So, without further ado, onto the food. Starting with Eggs Benedict and Avocado toast you may be as surprised as I was to find that I was excited by the toast under my avocado. Sure I knew from the time I’d spent talking to Chef Brandon that all his ingredients would be fresh and flavoursome. So I was prepared for the avocado, the salmon and the Eggs Benedict to be just right but I wasn’t prepared for the toast. I have had many breakfasts where it is just a dry base accompaniment but toast at Qulture is like no other you have tasted in Pattaya. Moist, soft and delicious I know how they do this but I have been sworn to secrecy. So trust me when I say you’re just going to have to try it for yourselves to be convinced that if they spend this much time and attention making something as simple as toast taste good then what’s to follow is sure to be a delight. And it was!

I had seen the photos of the French Toast and American Pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries and banana accompaniment. Therefore I knew that for your sake dear reader, my colleague and I should not eat for the rest of the day to see if these matched up to their TikTok and Instagram loveliness. You will not be surprised for me to tell you that they did. Light, fluffy and with a perfect, accompanying maple syrup they really completed a breakfast to set us up for the entire

There’s more great food at Qulture if you choose to go there for lunch rather than brunch with juicy burgers, great looking salads and delicious fried chicken but I’m not going to tell you about those right now. It will give me a chance to go back another time to Qulture which you can be sure I certainly will be doing so watch this space……………… Qulture is on Jomtien 2nd road (by Soi 13) in the row of shop fronts at Riviera, Jomtien 29/1130 M.12 T.Nongprue , Bang Lamung District , Chonburi, [email protected] FB Qulture Lounge & Cafe

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