Trends for Garden

It’s not hard to find information about how to improve the aesthetics around you—home improvement projects, ways to declutter your life, décor ideas, etc. etc. Surrounding yourself with beauty is a worthwhile endeavour that can improve your mood and outlook on life in general. So it’s no surprise that in 2023 gardeners are striving to give their outdoor spaces, balconies, and homes an aesthetic that makes them happy. For example, more and more gardeners are trying their hand at growing cut flowers to make their own bouquets. Sunflowers, zinnias, and cosmos in a variety of colours, as shown above, are all wonderful for bouquets. Whether you’re looking to share your homegrown flowers with friends and family or create your own centrepieces for the dining table, here are some tips to help get you started:
When choosing flowers, opt for those with strong stems. Also, those that tend to bloom for a long period of time. Good examples are daffodils, marigolds, roses and tulips. Find a spot for your cutting garden, maybe in a raised garden bed, easy for watering. Know your it dense and heavy and will clump together when wet or loose and free flowing more the consistency of sand? Clay soils have tiny, dense particles that hold large reserves of moisture and nutrients but drains slowly and can become hard and compacted when dry. Water will move through sandy soils more easily but so will important nutrients. Loam is the ideal soil for most plants being well balanced with mineral particles and rich in humus which is what’s left after organic matter decomposes.
In locations where gardeners need to be drought conscious Mediterranean-style gardens are surging in popularity as this style is conducive to using less water. Lavender is one of several plants that serve to create the look of a Mediterranean garden as well as other fragrant herbs such as rosemary. oregano and basil. Plants such as Bougainvillea grow well and are bright climbers that will put on a show almost all year long and trees such as olive trees will help with the Mediterranean look.
If you don’t have a garden you can still brighten your home with houseplants and although green is a classic the trend for indoor gardeners in 2023 it to choose something fun and different with foliage in surprising colours. For example, the Sun Red Philodendron as shown above with large leaves that produce eye-catching décor. Hydroponic varieties are also gaining in popularity because they can simply be grown in water so no soil is required. As long as you change the water at least once every couple of months, they are really easy to look after and very visually appealing especially when placed in a glass container, which puts the root system on display.
For many seasoned gardeners, foliage has always been a focus, but for others, recognizing all that foliage has to offer is opening a whole new world of possibilities. Look beyond just the variety of colours you can get from a plant’s leaves and add foliage in a variety of textures to give depth and complexity. In their book Fine Foliage, Karen Chapman and Christina Salwitz write, “Without the contrast of different textures the composition will appear unexceptional.” Here are some ways you can use texture in your garden:
Enhance the sense of touch. Whether it’s walking on soft moss or running your hands along the tips of delicate stems of grasses, being able to touch and feel plants takes a garden experience to the next level. Also, make the most of the light and consider where the sunlight hits and how you can use it to your benefit to enrich visual interest.
If you are a keen gardener without too much space you can consider vertical gardening with the use of an arbour, trellis or pergola. Planter boxes and mounted containers work well to create “living walls”.
Another popular garden trend this year is to use natural materials. There is an increased interest in creating calm, serene spaces which has led to a rise in the use of natural materials for hardscaping such as natural stone pathways. As landscape designer and horticulturist, Jan Johnsen puts it, “Rustic stone paths paved with small stones or stepping stones make us watch our step and slow our pace. They make us take time to appreciate the garden.” In a world full of to-do lists and a constant barrage of information, what could be better? Happy gardening!