This year the Annual General Meeting for the Pattaya International Ladies Club was held in the ballroom of the Holiday Inn. Amazingly it was their 35th Annual Assembly. It’s sometimes easy to forget just how long this club has been an institution in Pattaya. A place for ladies of all nationalities and ages to come together, have fun and raise money for local charities.
For anyone who remembers being a “newbie” in Pattaya it’s great to join a welcoming club and gain advice from the more experienced members who have lived here longer, During the Covid years the club also fulfilled a really important function keeping ladies connected through social media, monthly newsletter and when rulings allowed, coffee mornings and lunches. Violette K Gauthier (the exiting president) managed to get ladies together through the sheer force of her personality. She even hosted small gatherings in her own home when restrictions were at their height.
Also let’s not forget the club’s important contribution to the growth of small businesses in Pattaya. Either through personal recommendations or with their monthly functions. As a local hotel or restaurant to host a PILC coffee or lunch means that you introduce yourself to around 30-40 women on the day. Then, if they like what you do, they will take photos to share with their friends and hopefully return back to you with their families.
Through raffles, special fund raising events and work from volunteers, the ladies of PILC make a very important contribution to local charities. This has been especially important while Pattaya has been quiet and charities have suffered. At the AGM members were told how the distribution of food packs, supplies for babies and even scholarships for students from impoverished backgrounds were enabled through the club.
Then it was on to the nominations and introductions of the executive committee for 2023-2024. As mentioned earlier everyone was sorry to see Violette leave her post and gave her a standing ovation for all her years of service to the club also Khun Jana who worked on special events and as a Thai lady marked the importance of the club’s inclusion of local residents – not just expat ladies.However, the speech by the PILC’s new president Marj Garrean reassured attendees that there will still be some very able hands steering the club for the rest of this year and into 2024. Marj is a very thoughtful, intelligent and businesslike lady who is also very caring having worked for many years with Anti-Trafficking charities and the Tamar center here in Pattaya. She will be ably supported by returning VP Wendy Khan who has also taken on the role of secretary and the other members of the committee who are:
Sue Saunders (Treasurer), Melissa Jenks-Olivit (Membership). Geeta Eliott and Michelle Eddy (Hospitality) Lhen Lhen Mortela (Welfare) and Leesa Davidson (Social Media Coordinator).
For anyone wishing to join PILC you can visit their Pattaya International Ladies Club Facebook page or email [email protected]