When did you last have your teeth professionally cleaned?
If the answer to that question is more than 6 months ago then you should book an appointment to have it done today. Don’t neglect your teeth and only visit the dentist, as many of us do, once there is a problem. Regular cleaning and checkups from a reputable dentist are essential especially as we get older.
Remember how years ago it was almost a foregone conclusion that people would need to have dentures fitted as they got older? Today, we can see that situation has improved with three-quarters of people over 65 retaining at least some if not all of their natural teeth. However, in order to achieve this longevity, it is important to guard against gum disease, dental decay, and mouth infections.
Bacteria, in the form of plaque, is constantly forming on teeth. If it isn’t removed it can cause soreness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. Left for too long it can even cause infections that damage the bone underneath and lead to tooth loss. A dentist can properly clean and descale your teeth in all those hard to get at places that your own brushing and flossing just can’t reach.
Dr Thepthai Loicheun has over 50 years of experience. He graduated as a Doctor of Dental Surgery with an additional certificate in the field of Prosthodontics from Chulalongkorn University – ranked no 1 in Thailand. Thereafter he practised in Bangkok with 16 years in his own private dental clinic near Siam Paragon and has now been at Pattaya International Hospital for11 years.
After all his time spent in the field of dentistry (of which he is still passionate), I ask what improvements he has seen other than better oral hygiene from his patients. Dr Thepthai says that quicker more efficient dental equipment such as the drills he uses have led to the treatment he offers becoming quicker, more efficient and less painful. Also, instead of metal being used to fill teeth, now more attractive and less harmful resin is used and he proudly tells me “We are onto the 3rd generation of LED light systems that compress and help to firmly set the filling”.
Dr Thepthai recommends his 5 Ms when choosing a dentist:
Look for New Millenium equipment
With Modern technology and materials
Choose a dentist with Maximum experience
Be assured that you are getting good value with Minium cost
Look for a Morally Good dentist (by which I take the Dr to mean one that offers a good and pleasant service)
To number 4 I would personally add ask for Minimum pain! This is because I have always been a bit of a coward as far as dentists are concerned. So for me, what makes the cleaning from Dr Thepthai so great is the strawberry gel! Yes at Pattaya International Hospital they have a strawberry anaesthetic gel that is rubbed all over the gums before the treatment starts. This works like a dream as does the Dr’s advice to also relax and think of other things. However, try as I might I was still a little conscious of the work going on in my mouth and therefore very pleased at how quickly and efficiently Dr Thepthai worked his way around my lower then upper teeth.
Trust me it is all worth it when you run your tongue over your newly cleaned teeth and appreciate how much better they feel.
You can book an appointment with Dr Thepthai at
Soi 4 Pattaya 2nd Road, Nongprue,
Tel: 66 38 428374
E mail [email protected]