Spring Cleaning at this time before you self-Isolate may be the best time ever.

Certainly for the next few months ahead It would seem that we are all going to be spending more of our time at home.Therefore it makes sense to check that our environment is as pleasant as possible,
You can of course take this time to rearrange your living space to accommodate working from home or to make spending more time indoors as comfortable as it can be, but cleanliness definitely has to be your priority.
We know that personal hygiene as well as clean surfaces is a must when combating this terrible virus. So why not let the nice people at Clean4U disinfect and clean absolutely everywhere to give your place a really thorough good, scrub down.
They will get to each corner and every nook and cranny, completely cleaning your fridge, microwave and all the surfaces around your home. They can also polish your floors, dry clean carpets, take care of upholstery such as sofas,armchairs and curtains and even increase your daylight by giving the windows a real going over.
While they are with you, you might also want them to clean your motorbike or car as they now have a car steamer that uses high temperature and high pressure steam for expert car cleaning.
The Pattaya Trader can really recommend Clean4U either for cleaning at work or at home. Their staff are always courteous,punctual,friendly and very hygienic. They will also put everything back where they found it once they have finished although it will most definitely be much cleaner than when they arrived.